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2023-09-09 15:47:30
조회수 7,153

서울대생이 정리한 평가원 3개년 영어 어법

게시글 주소: https://cuttingedge.orbi.kr/00064352234


어법 문제는 모의고사에서 단 한 문제이지만, 많은 학생들이 어려워하는 문제입니다.

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[2021학년도 6월]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 

People from more individualistic cultural contexts tend to be motivated to maintain self-focused agency or control ① asthese serve as the basis of one’s self-worth. With this form of agency comes the belief that individual successes ② dependingprimarily on one’s own abilities and actions, and thus, whether by influencing the environment or trying to accept one’s circumstances, the use of control ultimately centers on the individual. The independent self may be more ③ drivento cope by appealing to a sense of agency or control. However, people from more interdependent cultural contexts tend to be less focused on issues of individual success and agency and more motivated towards group goals and harmony. Research has shown ④ thatEast Asians prefer to receive, but not seek, more social support rather than seek personal control in certain cases. Therefore, people ⑤ whohold a more interdependent self-construal may prefer to cope in a way that promotes harmony in relationships. 

* self-construal: 자기 구성

[출제자의 의도]접속사

as=이유를 나타내는 부사절을 이끄는 접속사

[출제자의 의도]동사 -본동사 (한 문장의 진짜 동사)

depending-> depend (that절의 주어가 individual successes이고 depend는 동사 자리)

[출제자의 의도]동사 -능동 vs수동

1)주어인 The in dependent self은 유도되는 대상 ,즉 어떤 행동을 당하는 대상이기에 수동태 형태인 bedriven형태가 맞다

2)drive는 유도하다라는 동사로 타동사이다.그러나 뒤에 목적어가 없으므로 수동태 형태인 be driven형태가 맞다

[출제자의 의도]접속사 that

has shown의 목적어 역할을 하는 명사절을이끄는 접속사 that(뒷문장이 완전)

[출제자의 의도]관계대명사 vs관계부사

선행사인 people을 수식하면서 뒷문장이 불안전하므로(주어가 없음) 주격 관계대명사 who가 오는 것이 맞다.

[2021학년도 9월]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] 

Competitive activities can be more than just performance showcases ① which the best is recognized and the rest are overlooked. The provision of timely, constructive feedback to participants on performance isan asset that some competitions and contests offer. In a sense, all competitions give feedback. For many, this is restricted to information about whether the participant is an award- or prizewinner. The provision of that type of feedback can be interpreted as shifting the emphasis to demonstrating superior performance but not ③ necessarilyexcellence. The best competitions promote excellence, not just winning or “beating” others. The emphasis on superiority is what we typically see as ④ fosteringa detrimental effect of competition. Performance feedback requires that the program go beyond the “win, place, or show” level of feedback. Information about performance can be very helpful, not only to the participant who does not win or place but also to those who ⑤ do.

* foster: 조장하다 ** detrimental: 유해한

[출제자의 의도]관계대명사 vs관계부사

밑줄 친 부분 뒤는 the best is recognized와 the rest are overlooked’ 문장이 연결되어 있는데,둘 다 모두 주어와 수동태의 구조를 가진 완전한’ 형태의 절이므로 관계부사 where로 고쳐야 한다.

[출제자의 의도]주어와 동사 수일치

모든 수식어를 제외하면 수식을 받는 주어는 The provision으로 단수이기에 주어와 동사 수일치를 하면 동사도 단수 형태여야 하므로 어법상 적절함

[출제자의 의도]형용사 vs부사

뒤에 명사인 excellence가 오므로 부사인 necessarily가 아닌 형용사가 와야 한다고 생각할수도 있지만,necessarily와 excellence사이에는 중복을 피하기 위해 demonstrating이 생략되어 있다.따라서 현재분사인 demonstrating을 수식하는 necessarily는 어법상 적절함.또는 necessarily는 부사로 문장에서 불필요한 존재로,생략해도 문장 성립이 되기 때문에 necessarily가 적절하다고 볼 수 있음.

[출제자의 의도]기타 – 숙어 표현

see as B는 A를 B로 간주하다라는 뜻으로 as는 전치사로 뒤에 동명사 fostering을 상요하는 것은 어법상 적절함 (전명구 :전치사 +명사구,전치사 뒤에는 명사구가 오며동명사도 명사에 속함)

⑤ [출제자의 의도] 동사 – 대동사 do

바로 앞에 나온 win or place를 대신하는 대동사로 쓰인 do는 어법상 적절함 (만약 단수였다면 does, 과거 시제였다면 did였음)

[2021학년도 수능]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점]

Regulations covering scientific experiments on human subjects are strict. Subjects must give their informed, written consent,and experimenters must submit their proposed experiments to thorough examination by overseeing bodies. Scientists who experiment on themselves can, functionally if not legally, avoid the restrictions ① associated with experimenting on other people. They can also sidestep most of the ethical issues involved: nobody, presumably, is more aware of an experiment’s potential hazards than the scientist who devised ② it. Nonetheless, experimenting on oneself remains ③ deeply problematic. One obvious drawback is the danger involved; knowing that it exists ④ does nothing to reduce it. A less obvious drawback is the limited range of data that the experiment can generate. Human anatomy and physiology vary, in small but significant ways, according to gender, age, lifestyle, and other factors. Experimental results derived from a single subject are, therefore, of limited value; there is no way to know ⑤ what the subject’s responses are typical or atypical of the response of humans as a group.* consent: 동의 ** anatomy: (해부학적) 구조*** physiology: 생리적 현상

[출제자의 의도]동사 – 능동 vs수동

1) 분사구의 수식을 받는 명사구인 the restrictions가 의미상 실험하는 것과 관련된’ 제한이기에 과거분사 associated는 어법상 적절

2) associate는 타동사로 뒤에 목적어가 있어야 하지만 뒤에 목적어 없이 전명구(전치사 +명사구)만 있기에 과거분사 p.p형태인 수동태가 와야 함

[출제자의 의도]대명사

앞서 언급된 an experiment를 대신하는 대명사 it은 어법상 적절

[출제자의 의도]형용사 vs부사

형용사 problematic을 수식하므로 부사 deeply는 어법상 적절함 (부사는 동사,형용사,부사,문장 전체를 수식함)

[출제자의 의도]주어와 동사 수일치

동명사구인 knowing that it exists가 문장의 주어이므로 단수로 수일치 does는 어법상 적절함 (동명사구는 항상 단수 취급)

⑤ [출제자의 의도] 관계대명사 what

know의 목적어 역할을 하는 명사절을 유도해야 하는데, 완전한 형태의 절이 이어 지고 문맥상 의문을 나타내고 있으므로 what을 whether로 고쳐야 

(what은 관계대명사로 뒤에 불안전한 형태의 절이 옴+ ‘~라는 것으로 해석이 됨)

[2022학년도 6월]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 

Most historians of science point to the need for a reliable calendar to regulate agricultural activity as the motivation for learning about what we now call astronomy, the study of stars and planets. Early astronomy provided information about when to plant crops and gave humans ① theirfirst formal method of recording the passage of time. Stonehenge, the 4,000-year-old ring of stones in southern Britain, ② isperhaps the best-known monument to the discovery of regularity and predictability in the world we inhabit. The great markers of Stonehenge point to the spots on the horizon ③ wherethe sun rises at the solstices and equinoxes ― the dates we still use to mark the beginnings of the seasons. The stones may even have ④ beenused to predict eclipses. The existence of Stonehenge, built by people without writing, bears silent testimony both to the regularity of nature and to the ability of the human mind to see behind immediate appearances and ⑤ discovers deeper meanings in events. 

* monument: 기념비 ** eclipse: (해 달의) 식(蝕) *** testimony: 증언

[출제자의 의도]대명사

복수 명사인 humans의 소유격 대명사를 나타내므로, their는 어법상 적절하다. 

[출제자의 의도]주어와 동사 수일치

the 4,000-year-old ring of stones in southern Britain은 주어 Stonehenge를 부연 설명하는 동격어구이므로, 단수 형태의 동사 is는 단수 주어와 수일치한 것으로 어법상 적절

[출제자의 의도]관계대명사 vs관계부사

밑줄 친 부분 다음에 주어(the sun), 동사(rises), 부사구(at the solstices and equinoxes)가 모두 있는 완전한 형태의 절이 왔음.이는 문장 2형식 (주어 +완전 자동사)으로 완전한 형식임.따라서 관계부사 where는 어법상 적절

[출제자의 의도]동사 – 능동 vs수동

The stones는 use의 행위를 당하는 대상이고,과거에서부터 지금까지의 추측을 나타내는 mayhavebeenp.p임.

(현재 완료 수동태 have been pp:쉽게 생각하면 현재 완료와 수동태가 합쳐진 것.원래 수동태는 타동사에서만 가능하며,목적어가 사라지면서 be p.p형태로 바뀜.현재 완료 수동태도 수동태이기에 똑같음.수동태이기에 be p.p 형태이면서 뒤에 목적어가 없어야 함.다만 현재 완료와 합쳐졌기에 be가 수동태 형태인 (과거분사)been으로 변화.즉 현재 완료 수동태인지 아닌지 헷갈린다면 그 문장을 현재 시제로 바꿔보기.위 문장을 예로 들면 The stones are used to predict eclipses’가 됨.이는 올바른 문장이기에 현재 완료 수동태 형태에서도 올바른 문장이 됨)

⑤  [출제자의 의도] 병렬구조

「both ~ and ...」 표현으로 연결되는 구조에서 and에 의해 see와 함께 to에 연결되어 있기에, discovers를 discover로 고쳐야 함.즉 병렬 문제이며, to를 생략한 discover 형태가 어법적으로 옳음

[2022학년도 9월]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 

Accepting whatever others are communicating only pays off if their interests correspond to ours ―think cells in a body, bees in a beehive. As far as communication between humans is concerned, such commonality of interests ① israrely achieved; even a pregnant mother has reasons to mistrust the chemical signals sent by her fetus. Fortunately, there are ways of making communication work even in the most adversarial of relationships. A prey can convince a predator not to chase ② it. But for such communication to occur, there must be strong guarantees ③ which those who receive the signal will be better off believing it. The messages have to be kept, on the whole, ④ honest. In the case of humans, honesty is maintained by a set of cognitive mechanisms that evaluate ⑤ communicatedinformation. These mechanisms allow us to accept most beneficial messages ―to be open ―while rejecting most harmful messages ―to be vigilant. 

* fetus: 태아 ** adversarial: 반대자의 *** vigilant: 경계하는

[출제자의 의도]주어와 동사 수일치

수식어를 제외한 주어가 단수 commonality이므로 단수 형태의 동사 is는 어법상 적절

[출제자의 의도]대명사

A prey를 대신하는 대명사로 it을 사용한 것은 어법상 적절함

[출제자의 의도]관계대명사 vs접속사

strong guarantees와 동격 관계를 이루는 절을 유도하는 접속사가 필요하므로 which를 that으로 바꾸어야 함 *이때 동격절을 이끄는 접속사 that뒤에는 완전한 절 형태가 옴

->절 안의 주어인 those는 뒤에 관계대명사절로 수식을 받고 있으며,동사(be better off)그리고 목적어 (believeing it – 동명사구)로 완전한 형태임

[출제자의 의도]형용사 vs부사

Kept의 목적격 보어 역할을 해야 하므로 형용사 honest를 사용한 것은 적절

->목적격 보어는 보어로 형용사만이 올 수 있음(해석상 ~하게이므로 부사라고 착각하기 쉬움 그러나 무조건 형용사만이 보어 자리에 올 수 있음)더불어 위 문장은 수동태 문장 이기에 목적어가 주어 자리로 갔으며,목적격 보어가 동사 바로 뒤에 오는 형태

[출제자의 의도] 동사 – 능동 vs 수동

Information을 수식하면서,본래 타동사였으나 뒤에 목적어가 없으므로 과거분사를 사용한 것은 적절함 (이때 communicated뒤에 오는 information은 communicate의 목적어가 아닌 그 동사의 수식을 받는 명사일뿐)

[2022학년도 수능]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] 

Like whole individuals, cells have a life span. During their life cycle (cell cycle), cell size, shape, and metabolic activities can change dramatically. A cell is “born” as a twin when its mother cell divides, ① producingtwo daughter cells. Each daughter cell is smaller than the mother cell, and except for unusual cases, each grows until it becomes as large as the mother cell ② was. During this time, the cell absorbs water, sugars, amino acids, and other nutrients and assembles them into new, living protoplasm. After the cell has grown to the proper size, its metabolism shifts as it either prepares to divide or matures and ③ differentiatesinto a specialized cell. Both growth and development require a complex and dynamic set of interactions involving all cell parts. ④ Whatcell metabolism and structure should be complex would not be surprising, but actually, they are rather simple and logical. Even the most complex cell has only a small number of parts, each ⑤ responsiblefor a distinct, well-defined aspect of cell life. 

* metabolic: 물질대사의 ** protoplasm: 원형질

[출제자의 의도]분사구문

주절의 주어를 의미상 주어로 하는 분사구문 producing~을 쓴 것은 어법상 적절함

주절의 주어와 같기에 A cell이 생략되었으며,뒤에 목적어가 있기에 현재분사 형태인 producing이 적절함

[출제자의 의도]형용사 생략

Athe mother cell was large에서 large가 생략된 것으로 볼 수 있음. 따라서 large는 형용사로 be동사 뒤에 와야 하기 때문에 was가 어법상 적절함.다만 모세포의 크기가 커진 것은 과거의 일이기에 is가 아닌 was가 와야 함

[출제자의 의도]병렬 구조

AorB>구조에서 A와 B는 병렬 구조를 이루어야 함.이때 A는 prepares이고 B는 maturesanddifferentiates.A도 명사 복수 형태이기에 B도 명사 복수 형태여야 함.따라서 differentiates(명사 복수 형태)가 어법상 적절함

[출제자의 의도]관계대명사 vs관계부사

~라는 것의 의미를지니고 있지만 뒷문장이 완전하므로 관계대명사가 아닌 접속사 that으로 바꾸어야 함(cell metabolism and structure should be complex는 주어 불안전 자동사 형용사로 완전한 문장)

[출제자의 의도]분사구문

each being responsibe~’ 분사구문에서 being이 생략된 것으로 볼 수 있음. Be 동사는 불안전 자동사로 뒤에보어를 필요로 함.이때 responsible은 형용사로 보어 자리에 올 수 있음.그리고 each는 분사구문의 주어로,본문장의 주어와 다르므로 주어를 표시함.

[2023학년도 6월]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] 

Ecosystems differ in composition and extent. They can be defined as ranging from the communities and interactions of organisms in your mouth or ① thosein the canopy of a rain forest to all those in Earth’s oceans. The processes ② governingthem differ in complexity and speed. There are systems that turn over in minutes, and there are others ③ whichrhythmic time extends to hundreds of years. Some ecosystems are extensive (‘biomes’, such as the African savanna); some cover regions (river basins); many involve clusters of villages (micro-watersheds); others are confined to the level of a single village (the village pond). In each example there is an element of indivisibility. Divide an ecosystem into parts by creating barriers, and the sum of the productivity of the parts will typically be found to be lower than the productivity of the whole, other things ④ beingequal. The mobility of biological populations is a reason. Safe passages, for example, enable migratory species ⑤ to survive

* canopy: 덮개 ** basin: 유역

[출제자의 의도]대명사

앞에 있는 the communities and interactions of organisms를 대신하는 대명사로 those는 어법상 적절

[출제자의 의도]동사 – 능동 vs수동

앞에 있는 The processes를 수식하면서 뒤에 목적어(them)가 있으므로 현재분사 형태인 governing은 어법상 적절

[출제자의 의도]관계대명사(관계대명사를 다른 관계대명사로 바꾼 특이 케이스)

선행사인 others를 수식하는 관계절을 이끌면서, 뒤에 있는 절이 완전하므로(주어동사,목적어로 완전함) 소유격 관계대명사가 필요함.따라서 which를 whose로 고쳐야 함.

그러나 왜 관계부사가 아닌 관계대명사 whose가 와야 할까?

-원래 ‘There are others’와 Their rhythmic time extends to hundreds of years’ 문장을 합친 문장이었음.즉 시스템 안에서 시간이 수백 년까지 연장되는 것이 아니라,그 시스템의 시간이 수백 년까지 연장되는 것으로 소유격의 개념이 들어가기 때문에 관계부사가 아닌 소유격 관계대명사로 변환해야 함

[출제자의 의도]분사구문

other things를 의미상의 주어로 하면서 조건을 나타내는 분사구문을 만드는 being은 어법상 적절본문장의 주어가the sum of the productivity of the parts’이므로 서로 주어가 다름.따라서 ‘other things’라는 주어를 생략하지 못하고 명시함.그리고 능동의 의미를 나타내고 있기에 현재분사 형태인 being이 어법상 적절함

[출제자의 의도]t부정사 v동명사

「enable+목적어+to부정사」 구문으로 enable 다음에 목적격 보어로 쓴 to survive는 어법상 적절함 (enable은 목적격 보어로 to 부정사를 취하기 때문에 이를 아는지 물어본 문제)

[2023학년도 9월]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 

Recognizing ethical issues is the most important step in understanding business ethics. An ethical issue is an identifiable problem, situation, or opportunity that requires a person to choose from among several actions that may ① beevaluated as right or wrong, ethical or unethical. ② Learnhow to choose from alternatives and make a decision requires not only good personal values, but also knowledge competence in the business area of concern. Employees also need to know when to rely on their organizations’ policies and codes of ethics or ③ havediscussions with co-workers or managers on appropriate conduct. Ethical decision making is not always easy because there are always gray areas ④ that create dilemmas, no matter how decisions are made. For instance, should an employee report on a co-worker engaging in time theft? Should a salesperson leave out facts about a product’s poor safety record in his presentation to a customer? Such questions require the decision maker to evaluate the ethics of his or her choice and decide ⑤ whetherto ask for guidance.

[출제자의 의도]동사 – 능동 vs 수동

1) 선행사인 several actions는 evaluate라는 행위의 대상이므로 수동태인 be evaluated는 어법상 적절

2) evaluate은 타동사이나 뒤에 목적어가 없으므로 능동태가 아닌 수동태인 be evaluated가 어법상 적절함

[출제자의 의도]주어와 동사 파악

이 문장의 본동사는 requires.따라서 주어가 없으므로 learn을 동명사 learning으로 바꿔야 함.

[출제자의 의도]병렬구조

rely on과 or로 연결된 병렬 구조임따라서 to에 이어지는 구조이므로 어법상 적절

다만 have 앞에는 to가 생략되어져 있음 (주로 to 부정사가 병렬로 이루어져 있을 때는 뒷부분 동사 앞에 to를 생략함.영어는 반복을 싫어하기 때문)

[출제자의 의도]관계대명사

create의 주어 역할을 하면서 gray areas를 수식하는 관계절을 이끄는 주격 관계 대명사 that은 어법상 적절함 (뒤에 주어가 없고 문장이 불안전함)

[출제자의 의도]whether vs if

‘whether + to 부정사’는 ‘~할 것인지’라는 뜻으로 decide의 목적어 역할을 하므로 어법상 적절함 (만약 it + to 부정사였다면 어법상 틀린 선지가 되었음)

[2023학년도 수능]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 

Trends constantly suggest new opportunities for individuals to restage themselves, representing occasions for change. To understand how trends can ultimately give individuals power and freedom, one must first discuss fashion’s importance as a basis for change. The most common explanation offered by my informants as to why fashion is so appealing is ① thatit constitutes a kind of theatrical costumery. Clothes are part of how people present ② themto the world, and fashion locates them in the present, relative to what is happening in society and to fashion’s own history. As a form of __EXPRESSION__, fashion contains a host of ambiguities, enabling individuals to recreate the meanings ③ associatedwith specific pieces of clothing. Fashion is among the simplest and cheapest methods of self-__EXPRESSION__: clothes can be ④ inexpensivelypurchased while making it easy to convey notions of wealth, intellectual stature, relaxation or environmental consciousness, even if none of these is true. Fashion can also strengthen agency in various ways, ⑤ opening upspace for action. 

* stature: 능력

[출제자의 의도]접속사 that

문장의 보어 역할을 하는 명사절을 이끌면서 뒷문장이 주어,동사,목적어 형태로 완전하므로 접속사 that은 어법상 적절함

②  [출제자의 의도]대명사 – 재귀대명사

주어인 people이 자신들을 세상에 보여주는 것이므로 은 재귀대명사인 themselves가 와야 함.주어와 목적어가 같을 때는 일반 대명사가 아닌 재귀대명사를 사용함

③  [출제자의 의도]동사 -능동 vs수동

the meanings를 수식하면서 본래 타동사이나 뒤에 목적어가 없으므로 과거분사 형태인 associated가 어법상 적절함 (본래 associate with B이나,뒤에 A에 해당하는 목적어가 없음,즉 현재분사가 아닌 과거분사가 와야 함)

④  [출제자의 의도]형용사 vs부사

동사인 purchased를 수식하므로 부사 inexpensively는 어법상 적절함 (부사는 동사,형용사,부사,문장 전체를 수식함)

⑤  [출제자의 의도]분사구문

분사구문으로,앞문장과 주어가 같기에 생략됨.즉 opening up의 주어도 fashion이며 맥락상 능동의 의미이기에 (패션이 행동을 위한 공간을 열어줌,열어지는 것이 아님)과거분사가 아닌 현재분사 형태가 어법상 적절함

[2024학년도 6월]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 

Consider The Wizard of Oz as a psychological study of motivation. Dorothy and her three friends work hard to get to the Emerald City, overcoming barriers, persisting against all adversaries. They do so because they expect the Wizard to give ① themwhat they are missing. Instead, the wonderful (and wise) Wizard makes them aware that they, not he, always had the power ② to fulfilltheir wishes. For Dorothy, home is not a place but a feeling of security, of comfort with people she loves; it is wherever her heart is. The courage the Lion wants, the intelligence the Scarecrow longs for, and the emotions the Tin Man dreams of ③ being attributes they already possess. They need to think about these attributes not as internal conditions but as positive ways ④ in whichthey are already relating to others. After all, didn’t they demonstrate those qualities on the journey to Oz, a journey ⑤ motivatedby little more than an expectation, an idea about the future likelihood of getting something they wanted? 

* adversary: 적(상대)

①  [출제자의 의도]대명사

to give의 의미상 주어는 the Wizard이므로, give의 목적어 역할을 하는 대명사 them은 도로시와 세 친구들이기 때문에 주어와 목적어가 다름.따라서 재귀대명사가 아닌 일반 대명사 them이 오는 것이 어법상 적절함

② [출제자의 의도]to부정사 용법

the power를 수식하는 to부정사 to fulfill(형용사적 용법)은 어법상 적절

③  [출제자의 의도]주어와 동사 수일치

문장의 주어는 The courage ~ and the emotions로 세 개의 명사(courage,intelligence그리고 emotions)이기에 복수 형태이다.따라서 being을 수와 시제가 표시된 동사 are로 고쳐야 

*이때 the Lion wants,the Scarecrow longs for그리고 the Tin Man dreams of는 각각 목적격 관계대명사 that이 생략된 절이므로 이에 현혹되지 말자

④  [출제자의 의도]관계대명사 vs관계부사

positive ways를 수식하면서 뒤에 완전한 절(they are ~ to others)이 이어지고 있으므로, 「전치사+관계사」의 구조인 in which(관계부사와 동일한 효력)는 어법상 적절

*원래는 전치사 +관계대명사’ 형태가 아닌 관계부사(where,why,how)를 많이 보여줬지만 이제는 전치사 +관계대명사 형태를 보여줌.즉, 전치사 +관계대명사를 관계부사로 바꿀 수 있다는 것을 알아야 함

⑤  [출제자의 의도]동사 – 능동 vs수동

1) a journey와 이를 수식하는 분사구가 수동 관계에 있으므로 과거분사 motivated는 어법상 적절

2) 원래 motivate는 타동사이나 뒤에 목적어가 없으므로 과거분사 형태로 오는 것이 적절함

[2024학년도 9월]

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 

Viewing the stress response as a resource can transform the physiology of fear into the biology of courage. It can turn a threat into a challenge and can help you ① do your best under pressure. Even when the stress doesn’t feel helpful ― as in the case of anxiety ― welcoming it can transform ② it into something that is helpful: more energy, more confidence, and a greater willingness to take action. You can apply this strategy in your own life anytime you notice signs of stress. When you feel your heart beating or your breath quickening, ③ realizingthat it is your body’s way of trying to give you more energy. If you notice tension in your body, remind yourself ④ thatthe stress response gives you access to your strength. Sweaty palms? Remember what it felt like ⑤ to goon your first date ― palms sweat when you’re close to something you want.

-정답을 매우 쉽게 찾을 수 있었음 [영어 평가원 어법 3개년 정리에서 빈출되는 개념]

[출제자의 의도] : 준사역동사의 목적격 보어

help에 이어지는 목적격 보어로는 to부정사나 동사원형이 둘 다 가능하므로 do는 어법상 적절함 (만약 to d였어도 어법상 적절, help는 준사역동사로 목적격 보어로 동사원형만을 취하지 않고 to 부정사도 같이 취할 수 있다는 것을 기억하기)

② [출제자의 의도] : 대명사

앞에 있는 the stress를 가리키는 대명사 it은 어법상 적절

[출제자의 의도] : 동사 (한 문장의 진짜 동사)

When이 이끄는 부사절 다음에 주절이 이어지는데, realizing 뒤에 주절의 동사가 없으므로  realizing을 realize로 고쳐야 함 (항상 동사에 밑줄이 있을 때에는 그 문장의 진짜 동사인지 파악하고,그 후에 분사인지 아닌지를 파악하기)

④ [출제자의 의도] : 접속사 that

remind의 목적어인 명사절을 이끌고 있고,뒤에 문장이 완전하므로(주어 – the stress response,동사 - gives,목적어 – access, 목적어를 수식하는 구 – to your strength) 접속사 that은 어법상 적절

⑤ [출제자의 의도] : to 부정사의 진주어

it은 형식상의 주어(가주어)이고 to go on your first date가 진짜 주어에 해당하는 부분이므로 to go는 어법상 적절함 (to 부정사가 주어일 때 너무 길면 it을 가주어로 맨 앞에 두고, to 부정사구(진주어)를 뒤로 뺀다)

지금까지 평가원 3개년 어법 문제를 봤을 때,

1)주어와 동사 수일치

2)관계대명사 vs관계부사

3)능동 vs수동


5)형용사 vs 부사

가 가장 많이 나오며,나오는 개념이 거의 정해져 있다.

따라서 어법 문제를 볼 때 당황하지 않고 출제자의 의도를 파악하자

1)주어와 동사 수일치

-주로 동사 위치에 밑줄이 그어져 있음.이때 바로 그 문장의 본주어(진짜 주어)를 찾고,수식어를 다 제외한 후 주어와 동사 수일치 해보기

2관계대명사 vs 관계부사

가장 classic한 유형이다.



1뒷문장이 불안전함

2주격 불안전한 절

목적격 불안전한 절

소유격 완전한 절 (이를 주의하자, 모든 관계대명사 뒷문장이 불안전한 것은 아니다)

1) 뒷문장이 완전함

2) how를 주의하자

 How는 선행사 the way와 같이 쓰일 수 없기 때문

3능동 vs 수동

이 또한 가장 classic한 유형이다

수동은 타동사일 때만 가능하며,자동사는 수동태로 변환할 수 없음을 주의하자

그리고 가장 일반적으로 타동사이나 뒤에 목적어가 없다면,그 동사는 과거분사 형태여야 한다

즉,타동사와 자동사를 잘 알고 있다면 30초컷 가능한 문제


요즘 자주 출제되는 유형이다

특히 '본문장의 주어와 일치한 분사구문'과 '그렇지 않은 분사구문' 모두 출제되니 유의하자


현재분사를 이용하여 부사절을 간결하게 줄인 것이다

aAs I drank too much coffee, I couldn’t sleep at night.

-> Drinking too much coffee, I couldn’t sleep at night

(분사구문과 본문장의 주어가 ‘I’로 동일하므로 분사구문에서는 주어가 생략된다)

b. As you were disappointed, I couldn’t see you.

-> You (being) disappointed, I couldn’t see you. 

(분사구문의 주어는 you이고 본문자의 주어는 I로 다르므로 분사구문에서 주어를 꼭 표시해야 한다.또한 분사구문 동사가 being일 경우,보통 being은 생략한다.따라서 분사구문이 주어 형용사 혹은 형용사로만 시작되는 경우가 있으니 당황하지 말자)

5형용사 vs 부사

Classic한 유형이지만 최근에는 잘 출제되지 않는다

그렇다 해도 유형은 알아두면 편하다

형용사와 부사는 주로 보어 자리에 위치한 단어에 자주 밑줄치고 물어본다

보어 자리에는 항상’ 형용사만이 올 수 있으며,만약 부사가 보어 자리에 위치해있다면 그 선지는 어법상 옳지 않은 것으로 정답이 될 것이다

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