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2개월 넘게 걸린 자료인거 같아요. (디스는 삼가해주세요~)
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4강 9번문항
In planning a meeting, make clear what task it is you’re asking your meeting partners to perform.
5강 6번문항
What you end up caring about is what you do, not whether the doing came hard or easy.
7강 3번문항
This kind of habituation allows us to notice what is different in case we need to react to some change ─ and then to ignore it so that we can turn our attention elsewhere.
8강 6번문항
Not only do children actively contribute to interactions, but in so doing, they affect their own developmental outcomes, transforming themselves in the process and influencing how others respond.
26강 1번문항
The treasure of art, however, is that its reality lives forever. The final product is really an addition to reality, not simply a way of totally reproducing it.
26강 4번문항
We have to be able to “read” a particular system of distortions that has been used to translate the original three-dimensional scene into a two-dimensional reproduction.
27강 1번문항
One way of looking at trust in personal relations centers around your fears of rejection.
31강 5번문항
These considerations should give pause to supporters of increasing children’s self-esteem as a comfort for educational underachievement.
32강 12번문항
One reason many people keep delaying things they should do is that they fear they will do them wrong or poorly, so they just don’t do them at all.
32강 14번문항
Defensiveness, or tuning out to information that does not fit your picture of yourself, is a major source of corrosion in relationships.
34강 26번문항
Our understanding of media differences helps clarify the interaction between the type of skill or knowledge being measured and the medium in which it is being assessed.
34강 27번문항
It therefore tends to focus on situation and plot and deemphasizes the messy and confusing aspects of experience.
34강 28번문항
One of the paradoxes of the Internet age is that while people’s use of various technologies allows them a nearly infinite array of possibilities for recreating themselves in a wide range of virtual platforms, it has bound them ever more tightly to a unitary identity in the real world.
35강 3번문항
That makes it difficult for an inventor to foresee whether his or her awful prototype might eventually find a use and thus warrant more time and expense to develop it.
35강 12번문항
The presence of other people is often crucial to defining the setting and hence the activity of media consumption, despite the fact that the relationships are totally impersonal.
37강 17번문항
Move future negative consequences into the present.
37강 18번문항
Government authority rests ultimately in legitimacy.
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